Piano/Harp April Newsletter
“Beautiful Tone, Beautiful Soul.” –Shinichi Suzuki
Spring Recital, May 13
Spring Recital is an exciting and important part of your student’s musical experience-much can be learned preparing music to a high level and following through with a performance. It is also a benchmark for all that has been learned through out the school year!
Recital Info:
Check the sign up sheet on the studio bulletin board to see your recital time (10am or 1pm).
Each recital will include piano, harp, cello, and violin students from the Javaux Music School. This is a great opportunity to expose your child to more classical music, and to get to know other Javaux Music School students!
Recital host sign up: see the recital info sheet on the studio bulletin board to sign up. We need two hosts per recital. Host duties include:
1) Going directly to the reception area after the recital to make sure cookies are uncovered, punch/soda is opened, and cups are set out.
2) If you are a host for the 1pm recital please plan to help clean up after reception.
Sign up for your recital rehearsal time at Calvary Baptist Church, 1825 State St. in Quincy (in the sanctuary). Sign up sheet will be available starting the week of April 17, but for now please save the afternoon/evening of Friday May 5. Rehearsal slots will be in ten minute increments.
Recital Reminders:
Arrive no later than 20 minutes before the beginning of your recital.
Please dress in your “Sunday/Picture Day best”
Invite friends and family to attend and celebrate your accomplishments with you!
Plan to stay for the entirety of the recital, to show respect to your fellow performers. Each recital will be no longer than 45 minutes.
Morning recital students are encouraged to attend the afternoon recital to support their fellow studio members, and vice versa.
Summer Lessons
I will be teaching 10 weeks of summer lessons (three weeks in June, four weeks in July, and two weeks in August). Summer lessons help keep students on track and are often a time of accelerated progress, since students have more free time to practice. You may sign up for the same lesson time each week or different times depending on your summer schedule.
Students are required to sign up for at least 4 summer lessons, but strongly encouraged to sign up for as many as possible. Summer lesson sign ups will begin at 2:45pm before the advanced piano group class on Tuesday April 18 and are first come, first served. All students are welcome to come and sign up then, or when you are available the following times the week of April 17:
Tuesday April 18, 2:45-6:45pm
Wednesday April 19, 5:45-6:30pm
Thursday April 20, 2:45-6:15pm
Group Class Schedule
A reminder that the final piano group classes for the year will be April 25/27
There are no group classes held during the summer session
Music Day Camp
I will be teaching summer day camps this summer for various levels of music reading experience. Day Camps will include instruction in music history, music theory, and more.
Day camps are open to the public as well as to Javaux Music School students. Tentative dates/times are June & July, Mon-Thur 1-4. To be confirmed shortly.
Fall Registration and Suzuki Celebration Picnic
Fall lesson time sign up will take place in May, but you will not need to submit new registration forms/fees until August.
The date for Registration Day will be announced soon, and you will go to our west campus (1015 Kentucky St.) to register and obtain the school calendar along with other Javaux Music School info.
In August we will host a Suzuki Celebration Picnic for the whole music school including a picnic supper, play-in for students, faculty recital, and fun and friendship with many other Suzuki families.
100 Day Club
The 100 Day Club is a Suzuki practice challenge where students set a goal of practicing every day for 100 consecutive days, and is great summer practice motivation! We’ll be talking more about this in lessons in the coming weeks. Be talking to your child about this to get them excited/intrigued. As Dr. Suzuki said, “You only have to practice on the days you eat.” :)
At the end of the summer I will host a 100 Day Club Party (snacks, music games, and creating a 100 Day Club poster to hold for the group photo) for students who have completed 100 consecutive days of practicing.
Summer Institutes
Consider attending a Suzuki Institute this summer! Institutes are life-changing, motivating, and all around fun week-long musical experiences for you and your child (or whole family).